Monday, April 30, 2007

On earth, as it is in Heaven. Especially that "Thou shalt not be any pissy babies" part.

So I was right; it's the strep throat, complete with fever, fatigue, and grumpiness. My doctor was all, "101 degree fever? Why are you doing that?" I was not amused.

I'm just hoping that Reed won't catch it, seeing as how he's already going through his "If Moms Can Die From Frustration, I Can Take Care of That For Ya" phase. Reed is bringing cracker back in more ways than one, and I'm getting a little frazzled. He contstantly wants to be doing whatever he's not doing. Pick him up; put him down. Give him juice; give him crackers. Go, go, go in the car; go, go, go outside; go, go, go in the house. Play with his toys; see what he can do with a sharp knife and an electrical outlet or maybe a toaster if he's feeling nutty. I'm telling you, it's enough to make a person love the Lord if only because loving the Lord might get you into heaven and in heaven there are NO PISSY BABIES.


Anonymous said...

I think they have things called "pissing cherubs" instead. I've seeen them on fountains from time to time.

Birdie said...

I have so much to look forward to...